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Update - Version 2.25

See below for an Overview, Release Notes, Whats New for the latest Platform updates.



Version 2.25 is an Enhancement release that introduces a number of new features and improvements to the XOflow system. 


What's New


View the PDF New Features deck of what is new in this release.


​Hyperlink Field Type


The new field type, the Hyperlink field, is now available to capturing and navigating to web pages, email addresses, and other internet URL/URI links. This field validates URL data entry, normalizes encoded URLs (e.g., SharePoint), encodes URLs for web safety, and provides link navigation controls at the point of field entry as well as on list and information preview displays.


Key Data Fields


Form Fields can be marked as Key Data fields. A Key Data field reflects information that is intended to be unique across all records. In a list of Countries, for instance, the Country Name would be a Key Data field. XOflow now enforces Key Data field constraints, ensuring that information entered into a Key Data field is unique across all records for that Form.


Multiple fields can be selected as Key Data. In this scenario, it is the combination of those fields that must be unique. In a list of Countries and Postal Codes, it is the combination of the Country and the Postal Code that must be unique, as a given Postal Code may be used by multiple Countries.


Turning on the Key Data indicator on a field will not validate prior entered information but will enforce uniqueness for any new or edited records.

Auto-Generated Sequence Fields


The Sequence Field type allows for establishing auto-generated sequences of formatted numbers, similar to Auto Number fields, with the option for user modification and user-triggered sequence generation. This field now has an option to auto-generate new Sequence numbers when the field is initially blank. This can be combined with a read-only or editable display for user modification.

Multi-Select when Browsing Cross Reference and Related Forms


Previously, when browsing selections to add to a multiple select Cross Reference or Related Forms field, only one item could be added at a time. The browsing capability now supports multiple selections for a more rapid entry of multiple options.

Parent Form Field Conditionality for Form Components


As Form Components can be reused across multiple Forms, the conditionality of Form Component fields was previously limited to conditions within the Form Component itself, as the Component did not have visibility to its parent Form.


Many uses cases exist in which Form Component field conditionality would benefit from conditions on parent Form fields. This capability is now supported to establish a Component field's conditionality on fields from each parent Form the Component is used on.

Additional Stage Perform Task Access for Users and Teams


While each Stage is routed to specific Teams or Users for assignment, often additional Users may need to also action tasks at that Stage even though they are not directly assigned. Stage configuration now allows Users and Teams to be enabled for Perform Task access when in that Stage. This supports oversight teams to manage tasks even though they are not directly responsible.

Reference Usage for Form Listing


The Forms Listing now provides information about where that Form (or Form Component) is used or referenced by other Forms, assisting in Form management.

Enable/Disable New Submissions from Dashboard


An option at the Form level now allows for the disabling of new submission initiation from the Dashboard. This option supports the use case in which that Form's submissions always originate from other Form mappings and should not originate directly from users.

Printable Submission View


A new Printable submission view is now available. This view automatically displays all information about submission in a printable (or PDF downloadable) view.

Paste List to Create Selection Menus


When creating a lengthy Selection List, previously each entry had to be individually entered. Now, the user may copy a list of items (multiple lines or spreadsheet rows) and paste them into the Selection List item entry causing each to be entered automatically.

Standard Username Format


Establishing usernames for new users can result in inconsistencies in the username format over time. A new System Configuration option (under Login/Requests) allows the standard username format (or hint) to be established. When a new user is being created, the Username field will automatically populate based on the format specified. Examples include Email address and [First Name].[Last Name].


Release Notes


Detailed Release Notes are available in this PDF document.


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